Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Starting a magical journal.

I love to write, to scribble down poems, thoughts and ideas that cross my path during the day. I can not figure out why I have always found maintaining a journal to be difficult. I imagine it is because I would like to fill it with profound words and brilliant insight, which I can sometimes pull off, but not always. So, maintaining this journal will be an act of discipline. Let me see where it takes me.

For several weeks now, I have been participating in Crescent Moon School's level 1 Introduction to Paganism course. Though I am not a novice when it comes to paganism, I am finding the class very interesting. I am very familiar with most of the material being covered, however, revisiting the root ideas and philosophies behind paganism has pushed me to expand my knowledge. I find myself re-thinking, re-defining, re-visiting ideas that have been packed away in the back of my mind. It is a good thing. It will be good to explore the foundation of my faith again and having the opportunity to hear the philosophies and insight of others can only expand my sometimes narrow view of things.

I am already behind on my reading and homework. Deciding not to print out the reading pack and course workbook was a mistake. I shall remedy that this week. I'll be using this blog to meander through my homework. So, more to come...

"The fruits of a tradition are not found in its roots but at the end of its many branches and present manifestations." (Contemporary Paganism)

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